Nutritional and medicinal properties of beets

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Nutritional and medicinal properties of beets (beets)

beets vitamins
Beetroot, also known by the names of beets or white chard, is a ground vegetable, it has several types of medicinal uses, which are concentrated in its root. Know all the properties and know how to take advantage of its benefits.
Its scientific name is Beta vulgaris, consuming it provides a large amount of nutrients and vitamins to the body. Learn about the benefits of beets and learn how to perfectly cook beets to include in your diet and daily food.

What are the benefits of beets or beets?
In addition to being a highly nutritious and delicious food, it contains a large number of beet properties that can help you improve and maintain good health.

Due to its high content of properties and antioxidants, beets are considered a good food to prevent the appearance and prevention of cancer, as well as several degenerative diseases.

The root of the beetroot has good properties for digestion, due to this it stimulates the performance of the digestive processes. Consequently, the intake of beets is highly recommended to treat cases of constipation or irregularities in digestion.
Beetroot is an excellent food, this is because it has a significant amount of nutrients, vitamins and mineral salts, which is why it is recommended to include it regularly in our daily diet.

Another of the main medicinal properties that beets have is that of being a good food to treat fluid retention. It also has excellent purifying properties.

Beetroot also has small stimulating properties, due to this it is recommended to consume for those people who are subjected to very demanding mental activities.

Main vitamins of beets:
Beet or betabel, has a large amount of vitamins. Get to know all the vitamins in beets:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamina B2
  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C

Also It has the following nutrients:

  • beta carotene
  • Soccer
  • Hierro
  • Iodine
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Fiber
  • Carotenes

How to cook or parboil beets:
This food can be consumed both raw and cooked. Here is one of the best ways to cook beets.

Beetroot or betabel cooking
Follow the steps below to learn how to cook beets:

  • Cut the beetroot in half.
  • Make a slit in the middle of each cut part (to easily remove the skin later).
  • Boil for 10 minutes. The beet is ready when it can be easily pierced with a fork.
  • Take them out of the water and peel off the shell easily.

Raw Beetroot:
The best way to take advantage of all the properties of beetroot is to consume it raw (salads). You can grate it to complement a salad or you can consume the beet in the form of juice or extracts, cutting it into small pieces and blending it.

Homemade recipes with beets:
These are some of the foods that we can make with this vegetable:
Beet juice:
It goes very well combined with orange and carrot.
Salads with beets: if it is cooked it can be combined with potatoes, egg and carrot. If it is raw, it can be combined with tomato, grated carrot, egg, red cabbage and sukini.

YOU CAN ALSO SEE: Properties and Benefits of Watercress.

Natural home remedies with beets:
Now that you know the properties of beets, it is time for you to learn some of the many home remedies that there are and you can make yourself:

Remedy against anemia: Having a large amount of iron and vitamin C, beetroot is an excellent food to combat anemia.
Beet cleansing smoothie: Learn how to make a purifying juice or extract with this nutritious food to eliminate toxins from your body and restore vitality.
Smoothie or extract to improve kidney health: It is another depurative and diuretic fruit juice with which you can considerably improve the functioning of your kidneys and organisms.

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