Learn about the incredible benefits of green tea

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(Camelia sinensis) “green tea”

The incredible benefits of green tea:
Green tea is one of the most beneficial beverages for men. Among some of the properties attributed to it, many of them scientifically corroborated, are that of being an antioxidant and diuretic, good for losing weight and even for teeth.

What is green tea useful for?
These are some of the most important properties and benefits of green tea in diets or after each meal.

To delay aging:
It is a powerful antioxidant. The high content of catechins and isoflavones in green tea makes it a perfect ally to fight against aging at an early age, collaborate with circulation and prevent the hardening of arterial walls, among many other benefits.
Prevents hair loss and gray hair control. Those responsible for this benefit are epigallocatechin-3-gallate or EGCG. These substances stimulate hair growth and cause significant lengthening of the hair follicle.
Increases fertility. Its high content of polyphenols and hypoxanthine contributes to a greater number of embryos having the optimal conditions to be fertilized. In addition, it benefits the increase in the maturation and fertility of the oocytes.

To avoid chronic and degenerative diseases:
It is anticancer. There is already a lot of research on green tea before food that substantiates this property. This is also believed to be due to its high antioxidant content. For example, green tea would be responsible for the low rate of cancer in Asia, it is also good for prostatitis and it is also indicated as very good for the prevention of various types of cancer.

Stimulates immunity. Those responsible for this property of green tea would be the EGCG catechins, which have one of the antioxidant substances that make up this drink that never ceases to amaze us with its many benefits.

Control diabetes. It can prevent the development of type 1 diabetes and can also delay its progression.
Soothe allergies. Catechins would be the main ones responsible for blocking certain components that trigger allergies, especially seasonal ones.
Prevents glaucoma and other eye conditions. Its high polyphenol content is what gives it its great antioxidant power, which is capable of avoiding cellular oxidative stress. This is who causes different types of degenerative diseases such as glaucoma.
Fight prostate problems. Its great capacity to regenerate tissues is conferred by its rich content in catechins, which give it its antioxidant power. For this reason, it has been proven that green tea can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by up to 50 percent.
Control vitiligo. Apparently, a protein found in green tea protects healthy skin cells from being attacked by the immune system and from forming more white spots on the skin.
Reduces lupus symptoms. It can help reduce oxidative stress on cells and thus reverse tissue damage caused by inflammation, one of the hallmarks of lupus.
Eliminate genital warts or HPV. According to scientific studies, it is revealed that the consumption of catechins present in green tea can be very beneficial to fight against the spread of HPV or genital warts. EGCG would be responsible for inhibiting the cell cycle that causes HPV to multiply.
Prevents Alzheimer's. According to several recent studies, EGCG catechins would reduce the levels of amyloid protein, responsible for the death of nerve cells that leads to Alzheimer's.
Prevents kidney stones. Due to its great antioxidant power, green tea extract prevents and eliminates calcifications. In other words, it reduces the production and size of calcium oxalate deposits that then settle in the kidneys, thus forming stones.

To care for and develop the mind:
It's exhilarating. Green tea has energizing properties, since it has caffeine and helps concentration and mental work.
Helps good memory. Green tea could be very beneficial for memory and spatial location. The maximum responsible for these qualities would be the compound contained in green tea known as epigallocatechin galate.

To maintain oral health:
Prevents cavities. According to studies that have been carried out in Asia, regular green tea consumers have fewer problems with their teeth than those who do not. The latest research shows that green tea is also good for teeth and gums in general.

To care for the skin:
Fight skin problems. Green tea is also very beneficial for treating different skin diseases thanks to its anti-inflammatory and aseptic power. Diseases such as rosacea, acne or psoriasis are greatly favored by treating them with the healing properties of green tea. Moreover, due to its regenerative power of the skin, green tea is also very good for reducing stretch marks.
Helps minimize dark circles. This is because it has anti-inflammatory properties. The external use of green tea is very wide: it is also used to dye and control hair loss, relieve sunburn, etc.
Eliminates and prevents stretch marks. EGCG catechins are capable of stimulating skin cells to differentiate and proliferate. Also, they can speed up the wound healing process and prevent the formation of scars (striae).

To lose weight:
It helps you lose weight. It is strongly believed that green tea for weight loss can be very effective. In fact, there is research that determined that green tea on an empty stomach reduces the accumulation of fat in the liver and that it is a good agent of thermogenesis; this means that you can use green tea to burn fat. It is also proven to block the absorption of carbohydrates.
Treats fatty liver and other conditions of the digestive system. Green tea is of great help for the correct functioning of the liver, since it can help fight the fat that accumulates in it and is a very good ally of digestion. Polyphenols are those who would help digest food better.

To treat psychoanimic disorders:
Regulates sleep disorders. According to studies that have been carried out at the University of Louisville, United States, the properties that serve to combat this evil would be found in the fresh green leaves of green tea.
Fight stress. Certain compounds in green tea decrease the formation and activity of free radicals, thereby reducing stress. The amino acid L-theanine would be responsible for this new health benefit that this healthy drink can provide.
Regulates depression. Theanine present in green tea stimulates the production of alpha waves, which in turn activate dopamine and serotonin. For this reason, not only the stimulating effect of caffeine helps to lift the mood, but also the effect of green tea on neurotransmitters.
Fight the anguish. Currently, many people in the world suffer from stress, which brings with it an increase in the feeling of anguish. The relaxing power of green tea acts on the nervous system, decreasing it.

To regulate the circulatory system:
Reduces and prevents varicose veins. Its high antioxidant content inhibits the formation of cholesterol plaques, helping to reduce swelling and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. In this way, green tea becomes an effective aid for the non-formation of varicose veins.
Activates blood circulation. This is because it can improve the function of the vessels used to transport blood through the body. Inlucive is scientifically proven to help relax the arteries.

To treat stomach problems:
Helps treat gastroenteritis. Thanks to its anti-vomiting and anti-nausea properties, it can be an excellent natural way to treat and reduce the symptoms of this disease. Also, green tea can prevent different conditions related to the digestive system.
Reduces stomach reflux. The essential oils present in this natural drink increase the flow of gastric juices, which facilitates digestion. Even green tea extract can suppress the growth of cancer cells in the esophagus, which are often caused by injuries caused by gastric reflux.

Other teas with exceptional properties:
Although there are countless infusions that are commonly called "tea", the genuine varieties of tea are those that come from the Camelia Sinensis plant. They all have in common their high content of theine (or caffeine) and flavonoids, two components that when combined make tea a superfood. Find out what other varieties of tea have interesting properties for your health.

Red tea: It is one of the most chosen teas for its digestive and slimming properties. Use it to eliminate fluid retention and to control diabetes.
White tea: It is a tea with many antioxidant properties and low doses of caffeine, which is why it is recommended for people with cardiovascular problems. You can drink it as an infusion or in tablets.
Black tea: It is the most common tea, the one that you surely have in your house. Its properties are several: it is an antioxidant, diuretic and stimulant. Of course, you should consume it with caution, because due to its high tannin content it can cause constipation and intervene in the correct absorption of iron.
Blue tea: This variety of Chinese origin is one of the favorites due to the flavor and aroma that its semi-fermentation process gives it. It has properties similar to those of other teas (antioxidant, slimming and energizing power), with the addition that it has a very peculiar and elegant flavor. Drink it alone, so you will enjoy its genuine flavor.

YOU CAN ALSO SEE: The benefits of the Artichoke.

Used parts:

Pharmacological action:
Antioxidant, Anticancer, Antibacterial.
Astringent, Nerve Tonic, Antioxidant.

Recommended for:
Tooth decay, Alzheimer's, Arthritis, Asthma, Cancer aid (colon, liver, lungs, pancreas, skin, stomach and throat), Gum Disease, Colitis, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Ulcers, Colds, Cough, Headache, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Hemorrhages, Stroke, Heart Disease, Obesity.
Preventive against Cancer, Digestive Infections.

Toxicity / precautions:
Toxicity: low. The observations of caffeine (avoid in cardiovascular problems, insomnia, pregnancy, etc.)

Dosis general:
Infusion, 1 to 2 teaspoons per cup of water, 1 to 3 times/day.

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