Know the benefits of Eggplant to lower fat

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Know the benefits of Eggplant to lower fat

Next the benefits of Eggplant to lose fat, these also have very good healing, antibacterial and antiviral properties. It also contains phytonutrients that help eliminate free radicals from the body, which are responsible for damaging the cells of our body and thus causing disease.

It is also an excellent diuretic, antioxidant, which provides many minerals to the body.

The eggplant is a vegetable that grows in vineyards, it is native to India, so it grows in very dry and hot climates. This fruit (vegetable) is found hanging from plants similar to tomato plants, and can reach a maximum of 5 and 30 centimeters in length. We can find it in various shapes, sizes, colors and varieties.

They have a bright purple skin, because it contains a large amount of anthocyanins, the flesh is cream colored with a slightly bitter and spongy texture.

THE CONSUMPTION OF THE AUBERGINE ALWAYS HAS TO BE COOKED TO EAT, since it contains solanine, a very toxic substance that can cause headaches, abdominal pain, digestion cuts, and digestive disorders. at the moment of being cooked it eliminates all the toxicity.


benefits of eggplant to lose fat

Recent studies found that eggplant had great antioxidant and anti-angiogenic properties. Angiogenesis is the growth of new blood vessels in the body, which help in the natural healing of many diseases. Likewise, the abnormal growth of blood vessels in the body can cause fatal diseases, such as cancer, skin diseases, blindness, diabetic ulcers, cardiovascular diseases, strokes, and among other diseases.
Eggplant is very rich in potassium, copper, folic acid, magnesium and fiber. High content of flavonoids and phenols, such as caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid, which have great properties to fight cancer, viruses, damage to body cells, and harmful bacteria.


  • It is detoxifying: The eggplant has cells that activate enzymes in the body, which help us to detoxify and eliminate harmful substances from the body.
  • It is used to lose weight: The eggplant has few calories and contains a large amount of water, so it is recommended to lose weight and satisfy hunger.
  • Protects against some types of cancer: Eggplant has many antioxidant properties on the skin, since it contains vitamin E, anthocyanin, and phenolic acids, for this reason it is beneficial to protect the body from some types of cancer.
  • It is beneficial for pregnant women: Thanks to the high content of folic acid, eggplant is highly recommended for pregnant women, especially during the first three months of pregnancy. The consumption of folic acid prevents, for birth defects of the neural tube, and the formation of spina bifida in the baby.

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benefits of eggplant to lose fatBenefits of eggplant:
Protects from liver cancer: Eggplant has many components called glycoalkaloids, which help reduce the growth of cancer cells in the body.
Improve anemia: Eggplant contains magnesium and iron, so if consumed daily it prevents anemia.
Recommended for diabetics: The high fiber content helps lower blood sugar levels, consequently it is highly recommended for diabetics.
Protects from liver diseases: Eggplant stimulates the liver causing it to produce more bile, therefore it is highly recommended for people with liver problems.
Reduce the cholesterol: Consuming eggplant reduces blood cholesterol, since this vegetable absorbs fats from the food we eat.


  • Prevents heart and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Improves circulation.
  • It is a great diuretic for its great contribution of water.
  • Eliminates toxins from the body.
  • Regulates intestinal transit.
  • Improves heart function.
  • Reduces body fat.


One of the many ways to prepare the eggplant is to sprinkle it with salt, let it rest for 30 minutes, and then remove the excess salt. This process is done to remove the water it contains and prevent it from absorbing too much oil when we cook it.
Eggplant can be baked, roasted, steamed, or fried. If it is baked, we have to prick it several times with a fork to make small holes to help the steam escape. To know if it is done, we have to prick it with a fork and see that it goes through easily.
We can also consume it in juice. We have to chop the aubergine into small smoothies, leave it to soak for a whole day avoiding light, then strain it in a colander and obtain the juice. It is not advisable to drink eggplant juice for more than a week, or consult your doctor beforehand.

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