Benefits and side effects of Lemon Balm

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Know all the benefits and side effects of Lemon Balm, if your medicine cabinet does not contain lemon balm, you are missing out on one of the oldest and most trusted natural remedies. However, before adding any new herbal remedy to your life, it's best to understand where it came from, what it can do for your health, and some of the potential side effects you may experience.

What is Lemon Balm?
Lemon balm is a type of perennial plant that is native to parts of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Scientifically known as Melissa officinalis, this plant is the source of Melissa essential oil, but even as an herb, it has been in regular use for hundreds of years. Doctors from the Middle Ages recognized the value of this medicinal plant, which is a member of the mint family.

The leaves of this plant are the most coveted item as they have a sweet lemon flavor and are therefore useful in many medicinal, aromatic and culinary applications. Due to the wide variety of uses and potential benefits of this perennial herb, it has become popular throughout the world, both for therapeutic and culinary uses. This herb contains a wide range of antioxidants and active ingredients that provide a boost to multiple systems in the body.

Lemon Balm Benefits
The most important benefits of lemon balm include its ability to detoxify the liver, treat sexually transmitted diseases, increase heart health, protect the immune system, promote healthy sleep and regulate diabetes, among others.

Skin care
With potent levels of antioxidants, lemon balm has long been known as a way to rejuvenate and revitalize skin. If you suffer from premature aging or see wrinkles on your face, using this herb can help reverse or slow down those effects. Lemon balm can also improve the immune response in the skin and reduce inflammation, which reduces symptoms of rosacea, psoriasis, acne, and other skin conditions.

By adding wheat germs to your diet, you can positively boost your immune system to fight against a number of diseases and conditions like heart disease and cancer. Wheat germ protein hydrolysates have been shown to positively increase antioxidant activity in organ systems. Antioxidants seek out and destroy free radicals and other disease-causing microorganisms in the body, reducing or eliminating the chances of serious illness. Wheat germ has been shown to naturally contain high levels of these hydrolysates that stimulate antioxidants within the immune system.
This herb has been shown in multiple studies to lower blood pressure when administered in medicinal concentrations, and can also lower overall triglyceride levels. This can significantly reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, and coronary heart disease.

treat diabetes
The concentrated extract of lemon balm, which you can benefit from when this herb is used in any form, has been linked to reversing diabetic symptoms and actively lowering blood sugar l evels in the body. By increasing the body's efficiency in using insulin and regulating glucose release, this herb is ideal for people who suffer from or are at high risk of diabetes.

The concentration of carotenoids and vitamin A found in thyme make it an effective antioxidant agent for your vision health. Carotenoids can neutralize free radicals in your eye system and slow the onset of macular degeneration and prevent cataracts.
Over the centuries, there have been many medicinal claims for lemon balm's immune-boosting properties, particularly in relation to bacterial infections. This herb has powerful antibacterial effects that can strengthen the immune system against everyday infections as well as the most dangerous and invasive pathogens. The other antioxidants found in this herb can also reduce oxidative stress throughout the body, thereby relieving strain on the immune system.

It enhances sleep quality
With an impressive ability to balance hormone levels and calm anxiety and nerves, lemon balm has long been a natural remedy for insomnia. Despite also having the ability to stimulate focus and optimize memory, the calming qualities of this herb are just as remarkable. This flexibility makes lemon balm extremely important for those with disrupted sleep patterns.

neurodegenerative problems
A great deal of research has been done on lemon balm and its relationship to the brain. The high level of antioxidants has been shown to reduce the deposition of beta-amyloid plaques in neuronal pathways, which can slow the progression of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Detoxifies the body
Stimulating the liver is an important part of detoxifying the body and when it comes to lemon balm, it has been linked to reducing the spread of liver cancer cells.

Treats sexually transmitted diseases
For generations, lemon balm has been used to treat herpes, a very common sexually transmitted disease. There is no known cure for herpes, but there are ways to quickly treat more visible symptoms, such as cold sores. Topical application of lemon balm, in these cases, can be very effective in suppressing inflammation.

Improves Cognition
This herb is not only good for preventing neurodegenerative diseases, but it can also improve your focus and concentration skills. Research has also shown that people who regularly use lemon balm have better memory retention and are able to maintain their attention span for longer periods of time.

Lemon Balm Uses
Given the number of health benefits this herb possesses, it's no wonder there are many different uses for lemon balm, including as a toothpaste, perfume, and in various types of foods, as well as medicinal and aromatic applications.

Pasta dental
You can start by making a lemon balm infusion, and then mix this with 2 tablespoons of baking soda to make a thick paste. This is great for protecting your mouth against a wide variety of bacterial infections.

The pleasantly powerful aroma of lemon in lemon balm has made it very popular in the perfume industry, as it can be easily mixed with many different scents.

Lemon balm is included in our diet more easily than most people think; it's an ideal topping for fish dishes, it can be mixed into organic ice cream for a lemony blast, and the leaves can be made into a great afternoon tea that will help you fall asleep faster.

topical use
Although topical use can cause allergic reactions, some people use lemon balm in creams or in the form of lemon balm essential oil, as this can reduce inflammation and even relieve pain when used in small amounts.

Lemon balm can be used in a variety of aromatic ways, such as when it is included in potpourri, or when the essential oil is added to an aromatherapy diffuser.

Lemon Balm Side Effects
While there are many impressive health benefits of lemon balm, there is also some risk when taken in certain concentrations, or if you suffer from particular medical conditions.

excess consumption
If you consume or apply too much lemon balm, there is a chance that your body will react badly, including dizziness, gastrointestinal problems, and even wheezing. If these side effects do not go away quickly, seek medical attention. Likewise, if you have a thyroid disorder, using a large amount of this herb may further affect your thyroid function.

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Allergic reactions
Some people have topical allergies to lemon balm, so before using this herb in any way, make sure your body isn't overly sensitive. Initially, use a small amount of this herb, regardless of its form, and wait to see how your body reacts to prevent nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Commonly lauded as a weight loss tea, this herbal remedy can suppress your appetite, yet boost energy and deliver valuable nutrients, leading to eating less and snacking between meals. The compounds found in this tea can also optimize metabolism, which can aid in fat burning and weight loss efforts.
If you are pregnant or nursing, there is not enough definitive evidence to show that the use of lemon balm is safe.

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